COPY: Empower 12 Weight Loss and Accountability and Coaching Program

Empower 12 Weight Loss and Accountability Coaching Program

Lets create sustainable habits so you never have to struggle again. 

Our Empower 12 Weight Loss and Accountability Coaching program is geared for those busy individuals who have tried everything in the past and struggled to stay consistent and create habits to either lose weight or improve any other health or wellness area and are fed up with it. 

This is DAILY Personalized Online Coaching and Accountability geared to CREATE habits so you never have to struggle again. 

Some of us know what to do but they lack the main ingredient... Accountability

Some of us have not created those habits yet due to previous expereince and overlaod of information and don't know where to turn and they lack the main ingredient...

Daily Coaching

Thats where we come in. 

Our Empower 12 weight loss and accountability coaching program is a persoanlized online daily coaching program geard towards creating health habits so you never have to struggle again and overhaul your life. 

 The key is a level of accountability that you won’t get in any other program. We go where you go, with our easy to use EverFit App, we can work with anyone from around the world. 

Here is our Focus...

We Take your existing practices with nutrition, physical activity, sleep and recovery/ stress and personally coach you daily and individually to improve in those areas WITHOUT overwhelming or overhauling your life. 


Through Daily Coaching!

Constant and consistent daily real time coaching through our infinity fitness and wellness app, text, calls, and Facebook program coaching group. 100% accountability and coaching!

Daily reminders and submissions of meals through picture submission in the app, we make real time suggestions for better quality foods, and improving portion sizes.

In our EMPOWER 12 Progran there is Absolutley No..

calorie counting


food journaling


cookie cutter program

With no overhaul of your life, or fear of food restrictions or deprevation.

In addition, we do the same for sleep, hydration, physical activity/ exercise and recovery and stress.

You have access to two personalized coaches at all times every day and we will be communicating with you all times throughout the day so you perform the habits you are committed to and there for help you create these habits sustainably and long term. 

Who we are looking for...

  • That busy individual who is fed up trying every other health, wellness, fitness or weight loss program and not getting sustained lifelong success or results they deserve.
  • Looking to lose 10-15lbs or MORE
  • Interested in creating life long health habits to NEVER have to  struggle ever again
  •  Be friendly and coachable 

Here's what clients are saying.

Our Next 12 week program is starting soon. Finally end your struggle of creating healthy habits and not losing the weight you want. 

Join today! 

For more info, click the link below to email us directly or text us personally at


Coaches Danielle and Ryan Bate

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